Private Equity Market Indices & Benchmarks
Market Indices: Four flagship equity indices represent the aggregate performance of private markets, including private2000, privateUS, privateEurope, and privateAPAC.
PEU and BMU Benchmarks: Family of equity indices that capture the performance of several combinations of PECCS™ classes, styles, and geographic regions, using the Private Equity-backed Universe (PEU) and the Broad private Market Universe (BMU), respectively.
The two suites of Private Equity Indices include the flagship privateMetrics® market indices and the PEU/BMU Benchmarks. The privateMetrics® index construction is process-driven and the methodology for their construction and maintenance is described in the first section. PEU/BMU Benchmarks combine all eligible companies and present their performance and other metrics. Simpler rules are followed for the construction of PEU/BMU Benchmarks. Furthermore, we describe our cash yield computation methods that aid in total return calculations for these indices, present our index maintenance guidelines, and conclude with FAQs.