Where does the raw data come from?
The Scientific Infra & Private Assets Data Team collects information on a series of infrastructure companies that are sampled from the identified investible universe and actively monitored. A minimum amount of data must be available for a company to be included in the list and processed by the data analysts.
Company and instrument-level data, as well as transaction price data, can come from several sources:
The audited accounts of infrastructure companies that qualify under the TICCS® taxonomy.
Financials, forecasts and transaction prices contributed by infrastructure investors.
Events, news, and other relevant data published in the specialised and mainstream press, annual reports, press releases, etc.
Market data comes from the following commercial providers
Interest rates: Datastream®
Foreign exchange rates: Fixer.io
Primary credit spreads (private project and corporate debt): Thomson Reuters®
Things to consider
Scientific Infra & Private Assets does not collect or use Net Asset Values (NAVs) reported by asset managers or owners.
Related topics
1. Unlisted Infrastructure Universe
1.5 Minimum Data Collection Requirements
How are the firms included in the index universe selected?