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The Infrastructure Company Classification Standard (TICCS)_Page_4.jpg

JAN 2025

For the latest updates, see:

TICCS® 2024 change log

Private infrastructure investment is developing rapidly as a global asset class. This evolution requires a clear and robust classification of the individual infrastructure companies that equity investors can acquire or debt investors can lend to.

The Infrastructure Company Classification Standard (TICCS®) was created by Scientific Infra & Private Assets to provide investors with a frame of reference to approach the asset class. It offers an alternative to investment categories that were inherited from the private-equity and real-estate universe (e.g. 'Core' vs 'Core+'), which may not be the most informative when trying to group infrastructure investments, design strategies or simply document the structure of the sector.

TICCS® is designed to be compatible with other standard investment classification schemes. However, it also uses fundamental insights from the academic literature to create a classification that embodies some of the key aspects of infrastructure businesses' risk profiles.

TICCS® is also the object of an annual market consultation and is audited by an independent Review Committee which includes senior representatives of the standard setting and infrastructure investment industry. 

The full TICCS® standard is available in our excel add-in for PrivateMetrics
Please refer to the instructional videos below for a step-by-step guide on downloading and installing PrivateMetrics.

How to Install PrivateMetrics

How to Download TICCS 2025

Discover the benefits of TICCS® in this two-minute video


TICCS® is an internationally registered trademark of the EDHEC Business School Singapore Branch. It is made available for general use under a Creative Commons open-source license CC BY-ND 4.0 and subject to the Trademark Guidelines, Usage, and Attribution Policy.

Citations in academic publications should use the following format (bibtex):

  author      = {EIPA},
  title       = {The Infrastructure Company Classification Standard (TICCS\textsuperscript{\textregistered})},
  institution = {EDHEC Infrastructure & Private Assets Research Institute (EIPA)},
  year        = {2025},
  url         = {},

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