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1.5 Minimum Data Collection Requirements

The minimum information required from data contributors falls into three categories:

  1. Company name, description, and events

  2. Financial structure over time, including the details of individual instruments and any forecast of debt and equity cash flows

  3. Historical financials (audited financial accounts)

Company name, description, and events

Please provide company names and add a detailed description of the project. The following items should be included:

  • Official company name and incorporation date

  • Project name and location

  • Greenfield or brownfield flag

  • Project capacity

  • Business model (regulated, contracted, or merchant)

  • Start date of investment

  • Start date of construction

  • Start date of operations

  • Investment end date

  • Any event affecting the company should also be described including:

    1. Technical or hard default event

    2. Refinancing event (debt refinancing)

    3. Costs overruns

    4. Change in regulation that affects the company (change of tariffs, contracts, etc.)

    5. Equity sales (this includes any equity stake sale with the corresponding % sold and the selling price and/or the price paid for a brownfield project acquisition)

    6. Any other relevant event that affects the project either at construction phase or during operations

Financial structure of the company and cash flow forecast for debt and equity holders

Please provide this information in a spreadsheet based on the tables reported below (you may use our standard spreadsheet) or provide us with the full financial model.

If you prefer to contribute the full financial model, this should include all the items mentioned in the tables below, and it will normally include a complete forecast of the balance sheet, profit and loss (P&L) statement, and cash-flow model. The model must have been audited by a third party, either a valuer or an arranging bank.

Currency and units must be specified for all the values reported. Reporting frequency of balance sheet, P&L, and cash-flow items could be either annual, semiannual, or quarterly.

Audited Financials Accounts of the Relevant Company

This is especially important for projects in countries with no publicly available financial accounts, such as Canada, the US, Korea, or Japan.

If a full copy of the audited financial accounts cannot be provided, a document containing complete historical financial information could be provided instead. However, it must have been audited by a third-party valuer or auditor and should include a complete balance sheet, P&L statement, and, if possible, a cash-flow statement.

For each debt instrument and shareholder loan reported throughout the project’s life, the following details should be provided.

Table: Required capital structure information

Initial Investment Amount

Equity Invested (amount and %)

Project Ownership (%)

Debt (amount and %)

Table: Required dept instrument information

Debt Instrument Details and Shareholders Loans

Instrument Type (Bond or Term Loan or Revolver or Bridge Facility, Etc.)

Seniority (Senior or Junior or Mezzanine or Shareholders loan)

Issue Date / Financial Close Date


Amortisation Profile

Base Rate of Interest

Credit Spread

Effective Interest Rate

Maturity Date

Repayment Frequency

Face Value

Facility Limit

ISIN (If Applicable)

Debt Covenants

Note: Face value must be provided annually for every instrument type. This can be reported in a table showing the evolution of the instrument’s face value throughout its life.

Table: Required cash flow forecast information

Equity and Debt Cash Flow Forecasts

 Equity CF Forecast

 Debt CF Forecast

First Date of Forecast Period

Equity Drawdowns

Debt Drawdowns

Number of Periods Forecast


Capital Repayments

Cashflow Reporting Frequency

Final Liquidation Value

Interest Payments

Shareholder Loans Drawdowns

Debt Service Cover Ratio

Principal Repayments

Interest Repayments

Note: Equity and debt holders' cash flows must be reported annually, semiannually, or quarterly. As in any financial model, these items can be described in a table showing the cash flows over time.

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