How large is the database of Scientific Infra & Private Assets?
The Scientific Infra & Private Assets database can be sized in different ways. Below are some high-level metrics as of Q4 2023.
Number of countries included in the definition of 'principal infrastructure market': 25
Number of investible infrastructure companies identified and categorised (following TICCS®) in the Universe: 9,200+
Number of tracked companies in the Index Universe: 800+
Number of senior debt instruments tracked in the Index Universe: 2,700+
Number of company-level past and future events identified and collected for the Index Universe: 15,000+
Number of company-level attributes identified and collected for the Index Universe: 140,000+
Number of historical financial values collected and checked for the Index Universe: 2.2 million+
Number of historical secondary market equity prices collected and validated across the Universe since 2000: 1,100+
Number of historical private credit spread observations collected and validated: 5,000+
Things to consider
These metrics represent the inputs used by Scientific Infra & Private Assets to compute the various asset values, index data and analytics outputs available through the infraMetrics platform. Some of this input data is contributed by investors and protected by non-disclosure agreements. Scientific Infra & Private Assets does not provide access to raw company- or transaction-level data.