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Geospatial transformation

The geospatial transformation process is widely adopted in hazard risk-related studies and hence, builds the core of our models to get from the data inputs to the damage factors that specify to what extent an asset is affected by a hazard event. Also referred to as a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based multi-criteria approach, geospatial transformation typically involves the utilisation of software and tools that can manipulate and analyse geospatial data, such as hazard value maps (Rincón et al., 2018). The chapter explains the details of the data process in two steps: the reclassification of hazard maps and the zonal statistics to calculate the average damage.

Rincón, D., Khan, U., & Armenakis, C. (2018). Flood risk mapping using GIS and multi-criteria analysis: A greater Toronto area case study. Geosciences, 8, 1-27.

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