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a) reclassification

Reclassification describes the process in which the initial hazard maps – that provide hazard values for each hazard type (e.g., flood depth) – are transformed into hazard maps with damage factors. The reclassification tool combines other data layers and transforms the hazard maps into a derivative data layer that can be used for further analysis (Rincón et al., 2018). Hazard maps come in the form of raster maps with a specific number of raster bands, and each raster band is representative of a specific hazard value (e.g., a flood depth of 1.5 metres in one raster band). For the reclassification process, the damage functions – that provide details on the level of damage for each region and asset class – are mapped to each raster band and reclassify the hazard value into a damage factor. Accordingly, these newly transformed hazard maps now combine information on respective hazards (flood depth) and damage factors (level of damage in per cent) for each TICCS subclass in each country. However, the transformed hazard maps and their related damage factors cannot be applied to specific assets yet and require the additional process of zonal statistics.

Rincón, D., Khan, U., & Armenakis, C. (2018). Flood risk mapping using GIS and multi-criteria analysis: A greater Toronto area case study. Geosciences, 8, 1-27.

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