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b) zonal statistics

The transformed hazard maps provide us with general damage factors for asset classes and regions. In order to compute asset-specific damage factors, the process of zonal statistics overlays a given asset boundary (using our extracted asset boundaries) on top of its corresponding hazard map. For this process, we use the transformed hazard maps for floods and storms and the original hazard maps for thermal stress. Zonal statistics then calculate the average damage factor for the asset within the asset boundary (ESRI, n.d.). The figure below shows how the three layers come together, from the zone raster comprising our extracted asset boundaries applied to the value raster (aka the transformed hazard maps), resulting in the output raster that presents the calculated damage factor for each asset.


Zonal Statistics (ESRI, n.d.)

ESRI (n.d.). How the zonal statistics tools work. ESRI ArcGIS Pro.

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