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3.1 Introduction

Index Objective

The UK Inflation-Linked Debt Indices by Scientific Infra & Private Assets measure the market-value-weighted performance of inflation-linked infrastructure debt issued by infrastructure corporates and project companies in the United Kingdom.

Index Family

  • UK RPI-Linked Debt Index: measures the performance of inflation-linked infrastructure debt issued by infrastructure companies in the United Kingdom.

  • UK RPI-Linked Network Utilities Debt Index: measures the performance of inflation-linked infrastructure debt issued by Network Utilities in the United Kingdom.

Supporting Documents

This methodology can be supplemented by several documents providing details with respect to the definition of the universe and its constituents and the treatment and validation of the data and calculations described below. These documents include the following standards by Scientific Infra & Private Assets:

This methodology was created by Scientific Infra & Private Assets to measure the performance with respect to the reference universe defined for this index family. Any changes to or adjustments to this methodology are made at the sole judgment and discretion of Scientific Infra & Private Assets so that the indices continue to achieve their objective.

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