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3.2 Eligibility Criteria

Geography and market of issue

The United Kingdom is the only country and market of the issues included in the UK Inflation-Linked Debt Index family.


Securities included in the index must be issued in Pounds Sterling (GBP).


Each security included in the index must have a maturity greater than one year from the rebalancing date. There is no maturing of securities while they are in the index.

Coupon types

Securities included in the index have a coupon or interest payments index on the UK retail price index (RPI).


A minimum of 10 million Pounds Sterling outstanding face value on each rebalancing date is required to be included in the index.

Minimum data availability

Scientific Infra & Private Assets relies on detailed security-level and borrower-level data to compute the performance of each security included in the index, many of which are not traded on an exchange and for which no individual market price is available. Securities cannot be included in the index if the minimum data requirements are not met. 

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