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Appendix I: flood damage functions


Damage function ID [reference], regional application, and damage factor graph

IC101020: Gas Fired Power Generation

IC101030: Coal-Fired Power Generation

IC101040: Combined Heat and Power Generation

IC101050: Other Fossil-Fuel-Fired Power Generation

IC102010: Power and Water Production

Power (United States) [1] applied globally to assets


IC201010: Non-Hazardous Waste Treatment

Infrastructure (Australia) [2] applied to assets in Australia
Infrastructure (Netherlands) [3] applied to assets in Europe
Infrastructure (Asia) [4] applied to assets in Singapore


IC201030: Waste-to-Power Generation

Power (United States) [1] applied globally to assets


IC202010: Potable Water Treatment

IC202020: Industrial Water Treatment

Water Treatment (United States) [1] applied globally to assets


IC202030: Sea Water Desalination

Infrastructure (Netherlands) [3] applied globally to assets


IC203010: Residential Wastewater Treatment and Reuse

Water & Sewerage Network (United States) [1] applied globally to assets


IC301010: Strategic Transport and Refuelling

IC301020: Training Facilities

IC303010: Police Stations and Facilities

Commercial (Europe) [4] applied globally to assets


IC301030: Barracks and Accommodation

 IC302010: Schools (Classes and Sports Facilities)

Commercial (Europe) [4] applied to assets in Europe and the United Kingdom
Commercial (Oceania) [4] applied to assets in Australia
Commercial (Asia) [4] applied to assets in Asia


IC302020: Universities (Classes, Labs, Administration Buildings)

Commercial (Oceania) [4] applied to assets in Australia
Commercial (North America) [4] applied to assets in Canada


IC302030: Student Accommodation

Residence (Europe) [4] applied globally for all assets


IC303020: Courts of Justice

IC303030: Prisons

IC303040: Street Lighting

IC303060: Government Buildings and Office Accommodation

IC304010: Hospitals

IC304020: Clinics

Commercial (Europe) [4] applied assets in Europe and the United Kingdom
Commercial (Oceania) [4] applied to assets in Australia and New Zealand
Commercial (South America) [4] applied to assets in Chile
Commercial (North America) [4] applied to assets in the United States


IC305010: Stadiums and Sport Centres

Recreation (Belgium) [5] applied globally to all assets


IC305030: Convention and Exhibition Centres

IC305040: Arts, Libraries, and Museums

Commercial (Oceania) [4] applied to assets in Australia
Commercial (Europe) [4] applied to asset in the United Kingdom


IC401010: Gas Pipeline

IC401030: Water Pipeline

Gas water mains (Netherlands) [6] applied globally to assets


IC402010: Liquefied Natural Gas – Liquefaction

IC402020: Liquefied Natural Gas - Regasification

Infrastructure (Netherlands) [3] applied to assets in Europe


IC402030: Crude Oil Refinery

Refinery (United States) [1] applied globally to assets


IC403010: Gas Storage

IC403020: Liquid Storage

Water tanks (United States) [1] applied globally to assets


IC501010: Cell Towers

 IC501020: Long-Distance Cables

Transmission (United States) [1] applied globally to assets


IC501030: Communication Satellites

IC502010: Data Centres

Infrastructure (Netherlands) [3] applied globally to assets


IC601010: Aiport

Transport (Global) [4] applied to assets in Australia and New Zealand
Transport (South America) [4] applied to assets in Chile
Transport (Europe) [4] applied to assets in Europe and the United Kingdom


IC602010: Car Park

Commercial (South America) [4] applied to assets in Chile
Commercial (Oceania) [4] applied to assets in New Zealand
Commercial (North America) [4] applied to assets in the United States


IC603010: Tool Port

IC603020: Bulk Goods Port

IC603030: Container Port

IC604010: Heavy Rail Lines (Train Tracks)

Transport (Europe) [4] applied to assets in Europe and the United Kingdom
Transport (Global) [4] applied to assets in Australia
Transport (Asia) [4] applied to assets in the Philippines
Transport (South America) [4] applied to assets in Brazil


IC604010: Heavy Rail Lines (Stations)

Commercial (Oceania) [4] applied to assets in Australia
Commercial (South America) [4] applied to assets in Brazil
Commercial (Europe) [4] applied to assets in Europe and the United Kingdom


IC605010: Motorways

IC605020: Motorway Network

Roads (Global) [4] applied to assets in Australia and the United States
Roads (Asia) [4] applied to assets in the Philippines and Malaysia
Roads (Europe) [4] applied to assets in Europe (other countries than listed)
- Roads (Germany) [4] applied to assets in Germany
- Roads (Netherlands) [4] applied to assets in the Netherlands
- Roads (Norway) [4] applied to assets in Norway
- Roads (United Kingdom) [4] applied to assets in the United Kingdom


Transport (South America) [4] applied to assets in Brazil and Chile


IC605030: Dual-Carriage Way Roads

IC605040: Stand-Alone Tunnels

IC605050: Stand-Alone Bridges

Transport (Asia) [4] applied to assets in Malaysia
Transport (Global) [4] applied to assets in Australia and the United States
Transport (Europe) [4] applied to assets in Europe and the United Kingdom


IC606010: Urban Light-Rail (train tracks)

IC606020: Underground Mass Transit (train tracks)

IC606030: Overground Mass Transit

Transport (Global) [4] applied
- to IC606010 and IC606020 assets in Australia and the United States
- globally to IC606030 assets
Transport (Europe) [4] applied to assets in Europe and the United Kingdom
Transport (South America) [4] applied to assets in Brazil and Chile
Transport (Asia) [4] applied to assets in Malaysia


IC606010: Urban Light-Rail (stations)

IC606020: Underground Mass Transit (stations)

Commercial (Oceania) [4] applied to assets in Australia
Commercial (Asia) [4] applied to assets in Malaysia
Commercial (Europe) [4] applied to assets in Europe and the United Kingdom
Commercial (North America) [4] applied to assets in the United States
Commercial (South America) [4] applied to assets in Brazil and Chile


IC701010: On-Shore Wind Power Generation

Wind (Netherlands) [7] applied to assets in Europe (excl. Germany), the United Kingdom, Brazil, Australia, and the Philippines
Wind (Germany) [8] applied to assets in Germany


IC702010: Photovoltaic Power Generation

IC702020: Thermal Solar Power

IC703010: Hydroelectric Dam Power Generation

IC703020: Hydroelectric Run-of-River Power

IC703030: Pumped Hydroelectric storage

IC704010: Biomass Power Generation

 IC704020: Geothermal Power Generation

Power (United States) [1] applied globally to assets


IC801010: Electricity Distribution Network

IC802010: Electricity Transmission Network

Medium Voltages (United States) [1] applied globally to IC801010 assets
Transmission (United States) [1] applied globally to IC802010 assets


IC803010: District Cooling/Heating Network

Infrastructure (Netherlands) [3] applied to assets in Europe


IC804010: Water and Sewerage Network

Water Treatment Plant (United States) [1] applied globally to assets


IC805010: Gas Distribution Network

Gas Water Mains (Netherlands) [6]


[1] FEMA. (2020). Multi-hazard loss estimation methodology of the flood model Hazus®-MH. Technical Manual. Federal Emergency Management Agency.

[2] Kellermann, P., Schöbel, A., Kundela, G., & Thieken, A.H. (2015). Estimating flood damage to railway infrastructure – the case study of the March River flood in 2006 at the Austrian Northern Railway. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15, 2485-2496.  

[3] Klijn, F., Baan, P., de Bruijn, K., Kwadijk, J., & Buren, R. (2007). Overstromingsrisico's in Nederland in een veranderd klimaat. Verwachtingen, schattingen en berekeningen voor het project Nederland Later.’s_in_Nederland_in_een_veranderd_klimaat_Verwachtingen_schattingen_en_berekeningen_voor_het_project_Nederland_Later

[4] Huizinga, J., de Moel, H., Szewczyk, W. (2017). Global flood depth-damage functions: Methodology and the database with guidelines. Joint Research Centre Technical Report.

[5] Gabriels, K., Willems, P., & Van Orshoven, J. (2021). A comparative flood damage and risk impact assessment of land use changes. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Preprint.  

[6] Kok, Huizinga, Vrouwenvelder, & Barendregt. (2004). Standard Method 2004 Damage and Casualties Caused by Flooding. Rijkswaterstaat, Delft, The Netherlands.  

[7] Vanneuville, W., Maddens, R., Collard, C., Bogaert, P., De Maeyer, P., & Antrop, M. (2006). Impact op mens en economie t.g.v. overstromingen bekeken in het licht van wijzigende hydraulische condities, omgevingsfactoren en klimatologische omstandigheden. Studie uitgevoerd in opdracht van de Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij, MIRA, MIRA/2006/02, UGent. 

[8] Meyer, V., & Messner, F. (2005). National flood damage evaluation methods: A review of applied methods in England, the Netherlands, the Czech Republik and Germany. UFZ Discussion Papers 21/2005, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Division of Social Sciences (ÖKUS).

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