2.6.2 Consultation and review 2021-2022
The 2022 TICCS® market consultation took place between June 2021 and January 2022. The objectives of the consultation were:
whether each TICCS® pillar serves a clear purpose
whether there are categories under each pillar that should be added, revised or removed
whether any other pillars should be considered
how TICCS® is useful to the respondent’s organisation
32 responses were provided, mostly by asset owners and managers but also consultants and banks.
78% of respondents considered TICCS® 2020 to be appropriate, with no changes required. The remaining 22% of respondents had comments or required clarifications about the classification. These comments and suggestions were then passed to the TICCS® Review Committee for their consideration and expert opinion.
The rest of this document includes the key April 2022 recommendations of the Review Committee and a discussion of most of the suggested changes or clarifications. Note that a number of suggestions were aggregated, and a few were excluded because they were not considered relevant.