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Obtaining Access

Clients may be eligible to access raw index files via SFTP by sending a request via our email.

Once approved, we will be requesting the following item from the authorized contact:

  • SSH2 Public Key in OpenSSH format.
    Please note that we do not support SSH1.

When the index files are ready to be downloaded, client's SFTP account will be created, and the authorized contact will receive an email detailing the login details and a brief introduction to the file structures.

File Structure

Version 1

Files are deposited into the root directory without any sub-folder.

There are 4 types of files:

  • index_inventory.csv
    This file contains a list of all indices made available for the client, e.g.

    "INFRA_EQ_WRLD_ALL_INFR_INFR_INFR_300_CW_AUD","ed833c2c-d3da270e","Infra300 equity (AUD, frozen)"
    "INFRA_EQ_WRLD_ALL_INFR_INFR_INFR_300_CW_CAD","ed833c2c-fef02435","Infra300 equity (CAD, frozen)"
  • flat_file_inventory.csv
    This file contains the definition of various files made available for one index, e.g.

    Data Item,File Name,File Header,Unit
    Index Value,<INDEX_ID>_index_value_ts_<YYYY-MM-DD>.csv,"Date,IndexValue",
    Total Return,<INDEX_ID>_total_return_ts_<YYYY-MM-DD>.csv,"Date,TotalReturn",%
  • All other *.csv files
    These are the raw index files.

  • *.pdf files (Optional)
    Report files, if any.

Combining both index_inventory.csv and flat_file_inventory.csv, if one would like to check the 2021Q2 "Total Return" for "Infra300 equity (AUD, frozen)", apply the rule "<INDEX_ID>_total_return_ts_<YYYY-MM-DD>.csv", and the file to look at will be "INFRA_EQ_WRLD_ALL_INFR_INFR_INFR_300_CW_AUD_total_return_ts_2021-06-30.csv".

Version 2

Files are stored in the following folder structure:

  • App

    • YYYY_MM_DD

      • flat_file_inventory.csv

      • List of indices / segments (e.g. index_inventory.csv, list_segments.csv, etc.)

      • Index Family Id / Segment Id

        • Index files (*.csv)

        • Report Files (*.pdf, if any)

Similar to version 1, to obtain the 2021Q2 "Total Return" for "Infra300 equity (AUD, frozen)" in the Market Indices app, the file to examine would be "/market-indices/2021_06_30/INFRA_EQ_WRLD_ALL_INFR_INF_INFR_300/INFRA_EQ_WRLD_ALL_INFR_INFR_INFR_300_CW_AUD_total_return_ts_2021-06-30.csv".

File Retention

We will keep 2 quarters of files in SFTP folder. For example, when we release files for 2021Q4, files generated for 2021Q2 (and before, if any) will be deleted.

Publishing Frequency

Quarterly Indices

Unless otherwise specified, all our indices are published once every quarter. Files will be ready by the 10th business day after a quarter ends, for instance, 14/Jul/2021 for the 2021Q2 release. Please note that for Q4 release, files will only be published by the 20th business day.

Monthly Indices

This applies only to the Market Indices app, where files are made available once every month. Files will be ready by the 10th business day after a month ends. Similar to the quarterly indices, files for January release will only be published by the 20th business day.

Public Holidays

We observe Singapore public holidays.

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