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1.4 Market Size & Structure

Key findings

  • A review of the relevant markets qualifying as principal markets reveals more than approximately 9,200 investable infrastructure companies can be categorised under the TICCS® taxonomy and meet the minimum inclusion criteria to enter the universe.  

  • The bar charts on this page show the TICCS® breakdown of this universe of companies by size using their average total asset book value for the 2015-19 period. 

  • We estimate the size of this universe to be USD3.7Tr of total asset book value, which translates into USD2.2Tr of unlisted infrastructure equity market value and USD1.9Tr of market value for infrastructure debt.

  • The TICCS® structure of the market is used to construct the infra300 Equity Index.

Total asset book value is the only size metric that can reliably be observed or estimated for such a large universe of private firms.

Geographic Breakdown of the Universe


Business Risk Breakdown of the Universe


Industrial Breakdown of the Universe


GeoEconomic Breakdown of the Universe


Corporate Governance Breakdown of the Universe


TICCS® structure of the Unlisted Investable Infrastructure Market based on the
Scientific Infra & Private Assets Universe Standard

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