2.7.3 Index policy and dissemination
Announcements of any relevant information pertaining to the indices are made at the beginning of each quarter. Press releases are posted on the Scientific Infra and Private Assets website.
Holiday schedule
The indices are calculated at the beginning of each new quarter and published ten days (T+10) later, except after Q4, in which case they are published 20 days later (T+20) at the latest.
The rebalancing date may change for reasons including market holidays occurring on or around the scheduled rebalancing date.
Recalculation policy
For information on the recalculation policy, please refer to the infraMetrics® index calculation methodology.
Contact Information
For questions regarding an index, please contact: clientservices@scientificinfra.com
Index Dissemination
All infraMetrics® indices are available on the infraMetrics platform.
Key indices are also available on Bloomberg® Tickers.
Bloomberg Ticker | infraMetrics® Index Code | Index Name |
infra300 | infra300 | infra300 index |