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1.9.2 Custom Indices Custom Function

The custom function is designed to view Total Returns and generate Index Levels for a specified PECCS Ticker.

To perform this action, the provided template sheet and table can be utilized. For detailed guidance on using this functionality, refer to this documentation.

Then these steps to be followed

  • Once the user has specified all the required values, they can proceed to generate the Index Levels using the Custom Indices custom function.

    To do this, use the custom function:


    Pass the relevant cell range as the argument. For example, based on the values in Fig 3 on the sample table page, the custom function's signature would look like this:


    Here, A1:D7 represents the cell range containing the input values from the table. Ensure that the range accurately includes all necessary input data.

  • If all the inputs are valid, a loading message will appear, indicating that the response is being processed. During this time, the sheet will be locked to prevent any modifications while the computation is in progress.

    Note: As the response generation involves complex computations, it may take some time to complete based on the processing requirements. Users are advised to wait until the process finishes.

  • Once the response is successfully received, the sheet is unlocked and the results are displayed in a tabular format within the sheet, providing the requested Index Levels and associated data.

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