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Getting Started


To access the Comps Builder Task Pane, navigate to the PrivateMetrics tab in the Ribbon Toolbar of Excel.

Click on the Comps Builder menu item and if you are logged in, it opens up the landing page, where you can select privateMetrics® Comparables to open the task pane and begin setting up your comparative analysis.


The Task Pane enables users to create and manage comparative analyses (comps) on various financial metrics using PrivateMetrics® data. This integrated tool within Excel provides an intuitive interface to select metrics, customize filters, and execute queries for detailed financial analysis.


1. Metric Selection

  • Choose between financial metrics such as "Price to Sales," "Price to Earnings," "EV to Sales," "EV to EBITDA," "Price to Book," "Price to EBITDA," and "Total Returns."

2. Currency Selection

  • Select your preferred currency for the chosen metrics (e.g., USD, EUR, GBP).

3. Date and Age Filtering

  • Value Date: Choose a specific date to set a cutoff for the data.

  • Age: Define the age of data in years or months.

4. Universe Selection

  • Choose between different data universes like a Private Equity-backed Universe or a Market Index Universe.

5. Factor Weight

  • Input factors weight to customize the analysis as per the selected universe.

6. PECCS® Profile

  • Define filters based on PECCS® (Private Equity Classification and Coding Standards) pillars or subclasses, such as Industrial Activities, Lifecycle Phase, Revenue Model, Customer Model, Value Chain, and Countries.

  • Use the "Add More" option to include additional PECCS® pillars or subclasses.

7. Systematic Risk Profile

  • Select risk factors like Size, Growth, Profits, Leverage, Term Spread, etc.

  • Choose between Quintile or Factor Value for each risk factor to filter data more precisely.

8. Return Value

  • Choose a statistical operation (e.g., Mean, Median, Min, Max, Percentiles (P25, P50, P75), Observation Count, Company Count, Volatility, VaR 97.5%, VaR 99%) to apply to the selected data.
    It should be noted that Volatility, VaR 97.5%, and VaR 99% are disabled if the metric is not “TotalReturns”

9. Query and Reset

  • Query: Executes the query based on the selected filters and displays the results in the Excel sheet.

  • Reset: Clears all selections and resets the form to its default state.

Step-by-Step Usage

1. Start

  • Select a financial metric (e.g., Price to Sales).

2. Choose Currency

  • Select your preferred currency from the dropdown (e.g., USD).

3. Set Date or Age

  • Choose either Value Date or Age to filter data.

4. Define Universe

  • Select the desired universe (e.g., Private Equity-backed Universe).

5. Enter Factor Weight

  • Input the factors weight as needed.

6. Define PECCS® Profile

  • Click on "Select PECCS® Pillar" to filter data by specific categories such as Industrial Activities.

  • Add or delete profiles as needed using the icons.

7. Configure Systematic Risk Profile

  • Select factors from the dropdown (e.g., Size).

  • Adjust the settings to use either Quintile or Factor Value for more specific filtering.

8. Choose Return Value Operation

  • Select an operation like Mean from the dropdown.

9. Execute Query

  • Click Query to generate results.

10. Reset Form

  • Click Reset to clear all inputs and reset the form.

Advanced Actions

  • Editing Selections: Click the pencil icon to modify existing filters.

  • Deleting Selections: Click the trash can icon next to each criterion to remove it.

  • Adding More Filters: Use the "Add More" button to add new criteria for a more refined analysis.

Example Use Case

Group 1057.png

  1. Select Metric: Price to Sales

  2. Choose Currency: USD

  3. Set Date: Value Date as "Wed Jul 31, 2024."

  4. Apply Universe Filters: Add "Private Equity-backed Universe."

  5. Add PECCS® Filters: Choose "Industrial Activities: Health."

  6. Set Risk Profile: Select "Size" and adjust using Quintile or Factor Value.

  7. Choose Return Value: Select "Mean."

  8. Execute Query: Click on "Query" to retrieve the data.

If all data inputs are correct, the calculated comps will be displayed on the Excel sheet.


The Comps Builder - PrivateMetrics® Task Pane provides a comprehensive tool for customized financial analysis directly within Excel, offering flexible metric selection, geographic profiling, risk assessment, and sophisticated filtering options. This functionality streamlines the process of building comps for more informed financial decisions. By following the steps outlined above, users can effectively use the Comps Builder to enhance their financial analysis capabilities.

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