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1.3.1 Infra300 Index Methodology

The Infra300® index is designed to track the different TICCS® segments of the unlisted infrastructure reference universe identified as the national markets qualifying as 'principal markets' (IFRS 13). The index is equally weighted. Its coverage of each TICCS® pillar of the investable universe reflects the availability of data and the trade-off made to match each segment as accurately as possible while restricting the index to 300 constituents. 

The bar charts below show the TICCS® structure of the universe using average values as of 2024, compared to the TICCS® coverage of the Infra300 Index (data as of Q1 2024). 




The infra300 index is a representative set of infrastructure 300 equity investments globally, starting from the year 2000. As of 30/09/2024, the index was valued at USD 341.69bn.

Index weighting scheme

The infra300 index is available in equally weighting and value weighting schemes. The Index-constituent value weights are calculated in the reference currency (USD) so that all constituent market values denominated in a different currency than the reference currency are converted accordingly.


infra300 2000-2024 (EW USD)

Note: The Infra300 family of benchmarks does not take into account ESG factors.

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